A New Discovery

We have learned new information about one of the ingredients, that the witches use in their brewery. Whether or not this is good for us we are not sure.

The bees server a huge role in the brewery of the witches. But the bees also pollinate our trees, flowers and foods. The disapearence of the bees is both bad and good for us. Mainly bad, so the brotherhood are working on a solution.

For the brotherhood!


A Brotherhood Problem!

Me and my fellow hunters, are haveing a hard time decideing where to go. We have many destinations we would like travel to, so far our leader has not made up his mind yet. I can’t wait…

For the brotherhood!!

The Hunt Is On!

Im personally going wicth hunting! Me and my hunting groupe have decided to travel somewhere, and hunt down those who hide in the shadows.

Please come with suggestion in the comment section, as to where to travel. I might get inspired to go there. Although i wont be posting the destination here, (for safety reasons).

We never know who might follow the block, and we dont need to give them more shadows…


For the brotherhood!

What is a Witch?

Wicth sigil

Witches look like humans and you can never tell if the person is a witch or not….

Mostly witches that are good to other people, are the once caught and burned alive. Only the wicked witches stay in the shadows and does their deeds with no one knowing.

So be careful out there fellow witch wacthers and stay away from strange people… (You may never know)